Monday, June 14, 2010

Sickness and surgeries

I have an awful sore throat and ear ache. Weird, but it's always on the right side. My right tonsil is double the size of the left one. No fever, no runny nose, etc...weird

Our friend Chris is having surgery this week. He had his colon removed a few months ago and will now be having surgery to get a "J Pouch"..he will have another surgery after the upcoming surgery so that eventually, he won't have to rely on the bag to catch his waste. My heart aches for him and Jamie. They are wonderful people and deserve all of life's blessings. Since Matt and I got married, we have spent a lot more time with them. Jamie has become the closest friend that I have, and the most true friend that I have (besides my husband and mom). Hopefully I can go up there to the hospital and keep Jamie company (and of course, see Chris) :)

Matt's mom had a partial hysterectomy Tuesday and seems to be healing well. Matt's Maw Maw came down from Wyoming to help take care of her, the house, chores, and Paige. It has been great to see her and spend time with her. We went to church with her last Sunday. It was a Pentecostal church...and wow, what an experience! I left feeling exhausted. It was interesting to experience their worship, but I think I'll stick to my Baptist roots ;)

OH...if you've been reading previous blogs, you'll understand when I say, Thank Jesus, I'm not pregnant!

Ethel is getting her woman parts taken out on June 29th....I'm nervous and praying that all will go well during and after the surgery. She hasn't left my side this weekend. It's as if she knows I'm sick and wants to help take care of me. Yesterday I slept on the couch most of the day. She did not get up unless I did. She slept right there with me. It's times like yesterday that make me realize how grateful I am for her and how glad I am that we got her. I always said I didn't want a dog. For some reason, I got puppy fever shortly after marriage...I looked online every where for the perfect breed. I researched breeds and what would be right for me (since I'm the main care-taker). I decided upon a shih tzu. I couldn't afford the price that people tag on shih tzus, but thankfully came upon Ethel's owners. They were so sweet. She is my baby and I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love her.

The carpets at the school have been cleaned, so if I'm feeling decent enough, I may go up there and work a bit...? We'll see.

We've thought long and hard over it, and we are going to paint our house this summer! I'm thinking gray siding, dark grayish shutters, and a red front door...what do you think?? ;)

Ahh, Saturday I went to my niece's (Candy) dance recital. Can you say torture??? My heavens, it was awful! She did a great job, considering that she is only 4. Most of the dancers did not know their routines, so they had to follow the instructors. Moms and dancers were walking on stage during performances. At some point, this man kept screaming out things like, "YOU GO GIRL! YOU GOT THIS! SHOW EM WHAT'CHA GOT!" Mama leaned over and said, "Nothing like a redneck dance recital"...hahaha! We were so relieved when it was over!

I've been up since 3:00 AM, and it's times like this that really make me miss living with my mama. I woke up in a lot of pain; trying to get Matt to get up and get me some medicine. When I lived at home and was sick, all I had to do was say her name. I swear she had super hearing powers with her children because she would jump out of the bed and come to us. She somehow made it possible to give us enough relief to get us back to sleep. I had to get up on my own and get some medicine. I fixed my drink and went to the medicine cabinet.....not there...I go in the bedroom and just turn the light on. Matt wakes up and realizes that I am not okay and asks if I need him...uhh, 20 minutes ago when I was in agony in the bed...nevermind now! Guess where the medicine was?...On HIS night stand...Sheesh! I took the medicine and came in the computer room. Sitting up helps with my ear ache for some odd reason. Anyway, I hate going to doctors; especially for cases like this because I'll sit in the office, miserable, for a long time just to get a prescription. Then I have to go fill the prescription and come back home. I'd rather just be miserable at home and try to wait it out...after all, it's just a sore throat, right? I'm hoping to feel well SOON...I'm just glad that it's summer and I'm not missing days from work.

If you're reading this, please take a moment to pray for my sweet friends, Jamie and Chris, and for Chris' upcoming surgery...

Love to you all......

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