Sunday, January 8, 2012

5 months!

Edison is five months, time is flying! So far, he has liked all of the vegetables that he has tried: carrots, squash, peas, and mixed veggies. He likes to play on his back on the floor, but gets mad when he rolls himself on his tummy. He only likes to be on his tummy if it's time to sleep. He started rolling from his tummy to back at three weeks old. At four months, he finally figured out how to roll from tummy to back. For the past week, he has been sleeping from 9:30 to 6:00. He is teething, but hasn't cut a tooth yet. I give him oatmeal in the mornings, and a vegetable at dinner time. He babbles the most when he is in the car. He has a toupee! Most of his hair fell out except right at the top! He normally drinks 6 oz every 3 to 4 hours. He is a very happy baby! He wears 6 months clothes and goes through a few bibs a day because of all the drooling. He gets a bath every other night and we use the night time stuff. Before bed,i put a little rice in his bottle to help him sleep longer.
He is waking up...

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